It is time once again to choose MQHA’s Most Valuable Professional. This award is given to the Most Valuable Professional Horseman in recognition of service and support to MQHA. Watch for an email with details on how to nominate someone.

The criteria are:

  • Nominee must be involved in, and shown support of, MQHA.
  • Nominee must be a current member in good standing of MQHA, of AQHA and AQHA Professional Horsemen.
  • Nominee should be recognized by his/her peers as a fair and upstanding business person that upholds the ethical standards of AQHA Professional Horsemen.
  • Nominee must be one who has worked toward the future of our industry by being positive and innovative in business endeavors.

All state winners will be voted on by their peers, current AQHA Professional Horsemen, for the overall MVP Award. The Professional Horsemen’s Council will review all affiliate MVP nominations for the overall MVP in October.

Nominations received after September 15, 2021 will not be considered for the overall MVP.

AQHA will award each state MVP with a specially designed award and the overall MVP will receive a commemorative belt buckle.

For questions, contact Karen McCuistion at 806-378-4361 or KMCCUISTION@AQHA.ORG.

